
Showing posts from November, 2020

April - November 2020 Update

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and Word was God.  John 1:1  A Thank You message from Rev. Jean Rajaonasy to St. John Lutheran Church on behalf of the congregation at Irina.  The Lord has blessed the church at Irina through your gifts of money. So far in 2020, we have been able to send $2,370!!  Your monies have contributed to purchasing materials and finishing the brickmaking, the hiring of a contractor to build the church walls and roof.  He has been able to also start on a bell tower.  With these improvements, the church has grown by 12 members and they now have over 100 members! Notable happenings:  ·           In the June 2020 update we were told the church needed 34 more metallic tin pieces to complete the church roof.  They held a fundraiser in Irina in August 2020.  They raised 975,300.00 MGA , and an individual donor then contributed exactly the amount needed to purchase 34 additional sheets!  Praise God the contractor was then able to finish that p