Spring and Summer

As we read in Ecclesiastes 1:3-4: "What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?  A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever."  Well, in this case, the members of the Irina Lutheran church gained a new church building!!  Rev. Jean was able to travel down there for the repairs after the storms in the spring and as well for the Inauguration of the new church building, christened Fanilo, meaning "light" or "torch", on 19 June 2022.  There were about 374 people in attendance at the Sunday service.  Thank you to the St. John Lutheran congregation, and also for the special gifts from others in Wisconsin and Missouri, to be able to complete this project. 

Something unique this time for the House of Hope in Mission is they were joined by a sibling and team who has medical training.  She offered free check ups to people of the church and the surrounding village, about 86 people in total.

Hard at work!

The ram they butchered for the big meal.

Lines of people for days before the event!

This is a zebu.  It is cultural to butcher a zebu to eat during a big celebration. 

A final report was sent and is posted on the entry wall at St. John in Atwater, Minnesota.  I'm still trying to get the videos to load because there are some beautiful choral performances, and of course, the worship service!  What a blessing to be able to help with this mission.

Pictured Above: Aina Rajaonasy, Sarah Rajaonasy, Rev. Jean Rajaonasy and Hannah Rajaonasy

Another mission project the House of Hope in Mission has begun with financial support is to help the Martin Luther School in Ranotsara, also in southern Madagascar.  Cement and iron bars and other foundational materials were purchased and transported to the school.  A special lying the cornerstone worship service and fellowship time happened on 6 August 2022.  A more thorough report is forthcoming, but here are some pictures to enjoy. 
Purchasing and loading the cement to begin the school foundation.


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